Today, I was let down by Pinterest. TWICE. I am so shocked.
My first Pinterest attempt was a pumpkin carved to look like a minion from Despicable Me. It looked super cute, and the caption said that when the candle was lit, it would glow like the lovable little evil lair factory workers. This happens to be one of our favorite movies, so I thought it was perfect!
This. Is. Not. Perfect.
In fact, the pumpkin is so thick that the only light you see is in the tiny mouth. I attached a picture of it, notably not glowing. In fact, I used the flash so you would see more than the little sliver of a mouth.
D thinks that if I shave off some more of the inside, making the wall thinner, and hopefully making it glow.
We'll see.
So on to disappointment number 2. I discovered a quick and easy kielbasa and potatoes recipe, which somehow I had all the ingredients for.
While the food was wonderful, and we will be keeping this one for cold weather days (It was 80 degrees today, y'all. It's Late October!)
So, where does the let down come from? I ruined a pan. Like, as soon as I took it out of the oven, I knew the pan was a goner. Somehow, I feel like whoever originally pinned it should have said, "Hey, make sure you line the pan, or you will lose it." I will be editing my comment for that one!
Oh well, live and learn, right?
What Pinterest ideas have you implemented that have disappointed you?
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