Monday, October 1, 2012

It's a Small World

Tonight, while my husband was cutting his hair and showering, I spent some quality time on Pinterest. (Translation: I spent some time avoiding finishing my grad school assignment my pacing said I needed to finish a week ago.)

While perusing this wonderful site, I stumbled along a super cute wreath that was captioned that it had funny directions. Of course, I had to know what the funny directions were, so I investigated.

The blogger was in some of her pictures, and I thought, "Huh, that looks a lot like that girl I went to college with."

Then, I saw under her comments that not one, but TWO other girls I went l college with had made comments on her page. Again thinking to myself, because the dog really just doesn't care, "Wow, what are the odds that I would stumble upon her blog on Pinterest???"

So obviously, I follow her blog now. And it's awesome, so you should too. It's

And on a side note: not such a small world-the pin I followed was posted by the classmate who created the blog.

I have also added a pic here of my own creativity from this summer: he wreath I made. It looks absolutely nothing like the one I was investigating today, but I need to make a new one, decked out in Hokie Maroon and Orange, cleverly disguised with fall decor so my hubby doesn't want to take it down.

How is your fall decorating going?