Monday, October 8, 2012

Medical Education

So my wonderful husband recently had surgery.  Thankfully, he's doing well, so, naturally, I decided now is the time to enlighten you all on my recently acquired medical knowledge.

D had a urachal cyst removed.  Here's the steps we have taken so far:

1. Over the last several years, and in my knowledge at least 2, D would experience a pain just below his belly button, which would, for lack of a better description, pop like a zit.  It occurred infrequently at first, but became nearly a monthly occurrence.

2. In the spring, shortly after moving into our home, D drove himself to the emergency room after nearly passing out at work.  Doctors decided that (a) he was dehydrated, hence the feeling that he was passing out and (b) the weird thing on his stomach was an abscess, to be treated with antibiotics.

3. Weird abscess returns the next month, but he decides to just let it run its course.  Threats emanate from me that it "better not come back when we are getting married."  I know, I know, that's not exactly sympathy, but he should have gone back to the doctor.

4. Late July the "abscess" returns again, so he decides to return to the doctor.  Doctor prescribes antibiotics again, and refers him to a surgeon.

5. Early September, the thing has returned, in time for the appointment with the surgeon.  One pregnant-lady style ultrasound and several gross Google Image searches later, the surgeon tells us that my husband has a cyst that generally manifests in infants.  Cause: the connection between his bladder and his umbilical cord should have closed back in July 1985, but it apparently didn't close all the way.

6. Last week, the surgeon went in & removed the infection, and I have been caring for a stir-crazy husband with 11 staples up his stomach for a week.  Today, he spent the morning watching TV, and is now doing who-knows-what  downstairs because he feels too healthy to lay around, but isn't healthy enough to even sit in a car with his seat belt on.

Such is our life...

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