Thursday, May 31, 2012

Gotta love the dog

So in our beautiful home, we have laminate hardwoods in the living room, and linoleum in the kitchen/dining room (and an open floor plan).

So I bought a swiffer and I swiffer every day. Well...almost every day. But I try, everyday, to clean the floor.

I also sweep with a traditional broom and mop the floors on Wednesdays. Today is Thursday. So that picture below? Todays swiffer cloth. And, yes, I did mop yesterday. That's one day of the dog spending time in just 2 rooms. It's the sight that greets me everyday when I swiffer.

Lots of hair, lots of grime. But we love him still. We would be lost without him.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

We have a table!

Ok, so I know I promised a blog update that never came, and I am sorry. Maybe I will make it my goal to put a mini house update up each day? Maybe. But here's my first attempt:

For the first time in my life, I OWN a table. And no, not D's table that I now claim, but my very own table. (besides, we have been eating off of TV trays for the last 2.5 years.)

Not only do we have a table, but we have a handcrafted to my specifications table!

D's dad made us the table totally by hand, and it is gorgeous! It was delivered to us last night, and i am stoked to get to eat on it today! Here's a picture of it, with our beautiful yellow walls! (I promise, they aren't really that bright. More on the painting later)

Anyone else having a great time with spring home improvement projects?