Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Midweek Confessions

I'm linking up with a former colleague, who blogs over at to join her Midweek Confessions. 

-I completely forgot to order my husband's birthday present. He asked for it in the fall, and I decided to order it Monday morning. His birthday is today. So it's not here, oops. 

-I am the ultimate procrastinator! Routinely I put off laundry, cleaning, even making phone calls.  It's such a problem that I've reimplemented using a planner in order to make that change over. 

-I am super excited for the school year to begin, ending what will have been my shortest summer ever. Why? Because I will be back in my own classroom after a whole year hiatus!

-I am a newly found Grey's Anatomy addict. Seriously. Lifetime has been running 2 episodes a day for the last several months, so I have been able to catch up on 9 seasons already. I'm so hooked. 

Want to add your own confessions? Link up to E by clicking the button above!


  1. Hey so good to hear from you today and find your blog! I must say - I'm impressed with your enthusiasm about going back to school... I'm already starting to have anxiety about how much I have NOT done this summer. Procrastination is my specialty! :)

    1. I'm definitely not prepared for next year yet, mostly because they just called me yesterday to give me the classes I will have this fall, and the kids come back on 8/12. I'm just pumped becuse I've been doing homebound for the last year, and I have been less than thrilled with teaching things like Algebra and Physical Science!

  2. I'm semi-excited, semi-freaked out about going back to school in less than a month. Our school is shut down while they finish renovations right now and I have yet to step foot in my new classroom. It is crammed with other teachers' stuff as it is being used as a storage unit right now. I'm soooo nervous about finding the time to set up since it also depends on everyone else getting their stuff out! EEeeek!

    1. I got my schedule in the mail today for next year (and my department chair called yesterday to confirm it). It appears that at my new school, I'll be in 2 classrooms each day. Not ideal, considering that for 3 years I was the sole occupant of my classroom (save for one collaborative class out of the 9 I had there) but better than I once had it, where I taught in 4 classes in 2 schools approximately 20 minutes apart. That's the situation I was in when E & I taught at the same school! I'm just glad to be able to get to work on prepping finally!!
