Friday, March 30, 2012

Our crazy life strikes again

So once in a whole I am reminded that life is never predictable. Today was one of those days.

This morning, I packed up my car for a day at work and a 3 day tournament in Atlanta. The plan: our realtor was going to meet me at work during lunch to sign paperwork for the offer we wanted to put in on a house, which he would then take to D in the afternoon. About an hour before lunch, I got an email from our realtor confirming said plan. When I confirmed with him my lunchtime, he let me know he and D were talking and they would update me later. GREAT.

New plan: D would sign papers today; I would sign them when I got back into town on Monday. (The offer would go in with just his name it first.) It was not a problem, and everything was once again ready to go for our Atlanta tournament.

So I planned on meeting my fellow coaches at 4 & heading to Atlanta. I was about 5 minutes from work when D called with plan #3.  Yes, THREE. There is an open house on the house we want to bury scheduled for Saturday (booooooo) and our offer must have both signatures in order for it to be valid. If not, they could accept another person's offer while I am in Atlanta!  That definitely was not an option.

Result: I met the coaches at park & ride 1. We drove to park & ride 2, where D & the realtor were waiting for us. I signed all the paperwork while it was blank & left, using the hood of our realtor's car as a table.  It was probably the sketchiest and most informal paper signing ever.  D and the realtor went somewhere else & completed the offer.  I got a text message from him somewhere around the NC line about how much we offered.

New plan: wait to hear back from the owners, while currently staying 4 states away.  Good news: we should hear back sometime tomorrow!

Like I said, life is never predictable, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday Update:  No offer yet, but here's a pick of the house!

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