Sunday, February 2, 2014

New Year's ReVolutions Update

What's this?  Two blogs in 1 weekend?  Confession here, and maybe I should be keeping this for a Midweek Confession post: I typed this post & the last one on the same day, I just set this one to publish later.  Sneaky little blogger trick I picked up somewhere!

I wanted to give everyone a first week of February update to my New Year's ReVolutions.  Not because I think you care, but because I want to stay accountable!  You can find my original post here.

1. Stay on top of household chores with daily assignments.  Yeah, umm, I've done that like, once.  I did, however, work on Mop Monday & Finance Friday on Saturday.  Hopefully I'll get to Tub & Toilet Tuesday and Wipe it Down Wednesday today?  I also was supposed to make a post about that.  Hang on to that thought a little longer!

2. Lose weight: Heck to the Yes.  I'm down about 7 pounds!!!

2a. Drink more water: Another Yes! I have even been choosing to drink water when I've been at home for snow days.  I find myself even, gasp, CRAVING water.  Big moment here folks.  Some may be attributed to the 80 degree living room I have thanks to our wood stove, but oh well.

2b. Make the gym a priority: Another, but less enthusiastic Yes.  According to my Nike+ app, I logged 20.9 miles on the treadmill in January!  Less enthusiastic because The week of MLK Jr day, I made it once, on that Monday, and then not again until the next Thursday.

2c. Take a multivitamin.  Hmm... this one needs more work.  I was good for about a week on that one.  Then I took another one on Saturday.  I just need to find a decent time to take it during the day, I'm thinking supper time.

3. Spend less.  This one we have been *doing* with some luck.  We've spend less on dining out.  We've also spent more on Auto related expenses since we needed to do a spray in bed liner and the new truck has a larger fuel tank & takes the more expensive diesel.  We're working on it though!

4.  Read the Bible.  Again, one I should work on.  According to my Bible App, I should be on day 32.  I'm on day 13.  Oops.

Anyone else sharing their New Year's ReVolution updates out there?

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