I immediately wanted one. Then and there. I mean, the covers are gorgeous; they can be personalized; they have areas to jot down notes, month and week views, pretty tabs. The problem: the price and the size. I mean, did I really want to spend $35 plus shipping for a calendar that's the size of notebook?
So I messaged my friend L (who's super sweet family blog I'm constantly plugging.), asking her to bring along her planner, a similar one made by Erin Condren, when we met for lunch earlier this week. I spent a few minutes flipping through hers and falling deeper in love. (Note: hers has a few more bells and whistles than mine, but mine has lines. That was important to me.)
So here are some pictures and descriptions of the brand new planner. (I'm frantically typing away here so I can start filling my planner with dates!)
Here's the cover. It also has a clear, hard plastic cover over this gorgeous personalized page. The top right hand corner shows the years the planner covers. You can choose to start at any month and it can run from 12-22 months. I started mine in July 2013, and ran it for 1 year. And under the envelope? You can put your name there, or whatever mine says, "the ourlastname"
Look: tabs! I love pretty tabs!
The first page, also includes a place for your name, number, etc.
The left hand side of the week view (Thursday-Sunday). See those 7 boxes of lines per day? Those are customized. Check them out below.
The top right hand side of the week view. See that checklist? That's where I envision things like "order the dogs medicine". There are 10 lines.
The notes section, and a sneak peak at my fave part. I ordered the family planner, which allows for 7 personalized sections each week. Here are 3 of mine. The others include my name, my husband's, and some other things. Want to save $5? You can choose to separate your day by 1/2 hr increments or into morning, afternoon, and night. I wanted to be more specific.
A page of contacts at the end. Where I intend to write my husbands cell numbers, because I have yet to learn them after 3 years and 51 weeks together.
A glance at 2015 (and in the front there's one for 2013 & 2014) as well as a pocket for receipts, handouts, or whatever.
The whole thing is glorious, and I'm super pumped to use it for the next year. Want one for yourself? Head to etsy and search plum paper or go to www.plumpaperdesigns.com and they link back to their etsy shop.
And just as a heads up: Plum Paper Designs didn't give me anything for writing this review. No free shipping, no discount. I'm just in love with it.