I am sooooo excited for the partnership this year between E at Teaching Sam and Scout (a person I actually met in my real life when we both taught at the same school) and Heather, the super cute blogger at Notes from the Nelsons that I have been
They have brought back E's Confessions series but only on a monthly basis. Y'all know these are my favorite posts, so I'm pumped to link up with them. Seriously, if you aren't reading Teaching Sam and Scout and Notes from the Nelsons every day, go add them to your blog feed. Now. You can come back to my confessions later!
So here goes:
- I had a fantastic list all typed up in my blogger app, and forgot to hit save, so I'm making this up on the fly.
- I am like a kid when it comes to snow days. We had a 4 day weekend already scheduled, so Thursday was the last day of the week for us. With approximately 30 min left of 4th period, it started snowing outside. I officially was done. As in, my kids were supposed to be working quietly in pairs on an assignment and I'm not sure they, or I, got anything else done that day.
- Also on Thursday, I spent 45 minutes going over MLA formatting. I teach history. My pre-AP freshmen claimed to have never heard of in-text citations, and certainly didn't understand why it was that I was asking them to give credit within their papers to information. The quote that drove me to the discussion "Well doesn't the url at the end of the paper tell you that?" NO. NO IT DOES NOT. IDK what's happening in younger grades, but if you teach middle school English (or high school, for that matter, or history at any level), could you please make a better attempt at teaching them how to properly cite information?
- We throw away obnoxious amounts of food. It's been better post-Advocare, but I just dumped out the equivalent of 3 chicken breasts. Why? Because we didn't put it away after we ate it. So chicken breasts just sat in our crock pot. Overnight. And then all the next day. And maybe a few more nights and days. Gross? Wholeheartedly yes. I'm trying to be a better wife/cook and D is trying to be a better husband/kitchen helper.
- I am a terrible reverser. As in, I cannot for the life of me back my car up in any decent way. Recently, I began parking in our garage. It's been at least a month, and probably 5 of every 7 times I have to pull up and do it again, and I still end up in the garage crooked. It's terrible.
- I went to Wal-mart at 7:00 this morning. Un-showered. Yogas & Uggs (or, well, fake Uggs.). No makeup. Total Noke student status. I put way too much trust in the meteorologists, and I assumed the snow we are getting wouldn't start until lunch time. So, I stayed home yesterday, and when Dusty got up it was already snowing. So there I was, in line at Wal-mart at 8 something in the morning, with all the other crazies.
And there you have it! I'm sure I could think of more, but it's snowing, so I can't focus on anything. Want to join it? Use the button above to link back to either E or Heather!
Thanks for linking up and for the sweet comments about our blogs! I love keeping up with you via yours!! I'm TOTALLY a child when it comes to snow days too and am banking on this one getting me out ALL week. (Currently, I'm in my bed reading blogs and watching last night's episode of The Bachelor. Clearly being very productive.) Also, just to defend my fellow English teachers, we DO teach internal documentation and citation and MLA EVERY YEAR, but the kids think it is dumb (which, it kind-of is), they "learn it" for the grade/assignment, and then completely put it out of their heads. Trust me. I have the same kids in ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade so I KNOW what they are taught every year, and every year they look like I am speaking a foreign language when I bring it up again to "review." :) Have a great week! E
ReplyDeleteI had that issue some the semester that I did USVA. I literally copied a slide from a set of WH2 notes, and then my class (all of whom I had as 10th graders) said they didn't know what any of it was. I just laughed at them.
DeleteIn this instance, I'm battling 1/2 a class of kids who are in English 9 now, and the other 1/2 did not write a research paper in English 9 because they ran out of time. I did, at least, feel like mine appreciated that we took time out of class to go over it. I showed them Easy Bib (for the 2nd time, because the librarian showed them how the week before), and they were pretty riveted. We'll see how they did when I grade them!
I am dying laughing at your students! That was SO me back in AP US history :). And I love love love a good snow day! But it won't make up it's mind as to whether it wants to arrive in SC or not haha. Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteI hope y'all got some!!! We ended up with 10" at my house :)
DeleteI hear you about teaching something the students "claim" to have NEVER heard before. I used to get so frustrated. And then, this year, the AP teacher came up to me (I teach Honors/pre-AP) to explain that the students told her they had NEVER heard of MLA before and had never had to write a research paper. Ummm…we spent a month (A. WHOLE. MONTH.) on the writing of a pretty complicated research paper and about 1/3 of my students had completely forgotten by the next year. I swear they walk out the door and the knowledge/information falls out of their heads as soon as they cross the threshold!
ReplyDeleteIDK what happens to them! To be fair, some of my kids are in English 9 this semester, so they may not have had English at all since December of 8th grade. But still. I do think that my students who were not in pre-ap in middle school genuinely had not been taught MLA before. I heard one of them ask a classmate what I meant when I said MLA. So sad.
Deleteahhh these are great! And I have lost so many posts from flukey things that have happened on blogger. I hate when that happens! I must say though, this on-the-fly list was impressive! I'm laughing about your reversing struggles and totally relate to accidentally leaving food out. I hate when that happens! Thanks for linking up with us! Hope you'll be back to share more confessions next month. :)
ReplyDeleteConfessions are my favorite! We went out to eat tonight, so there isn't any food for me to ignore on the stove!