- My uncle is coming to visit on Friday, stay the night, and participate in this cool competitive pistol shooting thing (very technical name, I know). Great right? Except that there are 2 cycles worth of laundry on the guest bed, and my hamper has overflowed to the ground. And there are dishes in the sink from 2 days ago. And I didn't vacuum at all this weekend. And some people think that I should have my students actually learning in my classroom.
- Speaking of learning, I had my first informal evaluation of the year. In my previous teaching roles I either (a) never turned in lesson plans because they weren't required, or (b) was always late or forgot to turn them in, facing reprimand from administration. Here, I only need them completed when I get observed. Today, we started a new unit in WHI and I hadn't planned out the unit yet (on paper). Fabulous. Granted, I did give over all my lessons, including WHII, which were done, so maybe she'll be sort of okay with it. Yeah...probably not...
- I am not happy about this cold weather. At all. Except one thing, my usually sweltering classroom was finally comfortable. Well, it was comfortable, and then in 2nd block the students opened the windows, so by the end of the block I was freezing. I'm usually cold though, so I can deal with that.
How's your week going?
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